Eli and I are excited to tell you that we’re married! We’ve been seeing each other for over 2 years and it has been fantastic. We are so happy together and feel so perfectly matched in so many ways. Our senses of humour and personalities are the same, and our lifestyles match so well, Eli and I can really understand what the other goes through with the pressures of running our businesses. Even our families get along, our mothers have become fast friends and now that the wedding is over you better believe that the grandchildren requests have been made. For our honeymoon we went to the Amalfi Coast in Italy! It was a dream for both of us. We saw a variety of Italian villages, and were amazed by the beauty of the villas, the backdrop of the mountains, and of course we really enjoyed the vineyards! It’s hard to believe that Eli and I were both wasting time on multiple online dating sites only a few years ago. We’ve both said how much more sad, and hopeless we were then. Now life feels fuller, with so many possibilities. We’ve discovered a love of traveling together so we’re planning on doing that a bit more before working on those grandchildren! We will definitely send pictures! We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for introducing us to each other and putting the pieces in place for us to find our happily ever after.
Best wishes,
Eli and Tamara

Hi Matchmakers!
John and I wanted to send you an update!
Our golden retriever Sadie became a big sister and we added a new addition to our little family! On September 6 2015, Aiden Jason arrived weighing 7 pound 3 ounces. As new parents we are very proud of our little Jellybean, but we’re also so grateful, again, to Matchmakers Select for introducing John and I.
At our wedding we marvelled at how we didn’t give up on dating completely, after all the terrible dates for me, and no dates for years for John, before we found Matchmakers Select. If it weren’t for you there is now way John and I would have ever crossed paths. We have to thank you for each of the important moments in our relationship, from the engagement, to the wedding, and now as we welcome a new person and the love of our lives, to the world.
Lots of Love
John and Melanie

I feel truly blessed to let Matchmakers Select know that after almost 3 years of dating, Lindsey said yes and we are engaged! We haven’t set the date yet, but you can expect your invitation will be along shortly after we do. Words cannot describe how happy I feel, or how lucky I am. I spent years without a relationship at all, and after I took that first step of joining, it felt like no time at all and you introduced me to the beautiful, intelligent, and amazing woman I am now proud to call my fiancé!
Thank you to the whole Matchmakers team.
Best Wishes

Just to wish you and all the staff at Matchmakers Select a wonderful Christmas and Happy Holiday and all the very best for the New Year. Also, a special message to let you know that Michael and I are STILL seeing each other and the relationship is growing stronger and stronger. Thank you a million for introducing us (and that comes from ALL of us). The kids are always excited to see him, he dotes on them as if they were his own and he (or perhaps WE) have both put each other on pedestals, I think we could see the passengers in a passing plane – ha ha. Although a long way to go, and a daily step by step process, all four of us are very happy and look forward to a New Year of further (and even happier) developments. Enclosed is a picture of the happy “clan”. Thank you again and I hope your year is as happy as we are right now :-))
Best Wishes from us all,
Colleen, Tara, Ashley and Michael

The 17th of November, oh my God, what a day to remember. The stars, the moon, the smell of love, the day we met, it fit like a glove.
For on this day I met Brad and agreed to see what he had. When I saw his great bright eyes, I knew there was love in disguise.
So after drinks we had, how about dinner Brad suggested. Red wine and octopus is what we ate, a first for me and it was great! Then we went for a drive, the next thing we know, back to my place we did arrive. Music and laughter we did share, then came the kiss that told me he was rare! From that evening we have been connected, no more feeling of being rejected! The sun, the moon and stars above, oh my God yes this is love!
I love you Amanda for what you have done and know that for me Brad’s the one!!
Louise, St. Paul’s, Minnesota

Early in February 2010, I purchased the local newspaper when purchasing a car for my daughter who was turning 16. I came across your advertisement in the back of the newspaper and thought, “Wow, what a wonderful unique advertisement.”
I had been in the dating scene for five years having divorced five years earlier. I was sick of meeting unsuitable people who didn’t make it past a coffee with me. Grrr, online dating.
I’d just about given up, but thought I’d give it one last chance and called your office. Well, as they say, that’s my history now, because after the first introduction we talked for two hours and arranged to meet for lunch in Red Deer the next day as it was halfway. It turned into a two hour lunch,
followed a week later by an invitation to lunch in Calgary, which was also very enjoyable. After which he took my hand, arranging to come to a live band concert in Edmonton the following week with my girlfriend and I. On that evening we danced a “slow dance” together, he landscaped the house I had built over the previous five years by myself and we eventually sold our respective homes in Lacombe and Innisfail to purchase a large 4 bedroom home together for ourselves and my two teenagers. It has several acres for my horses and we have landscaped it together, renovated it and increased our assets accordingly.
We thank you for introducing us and we have learned many life lessons by being with each other.
Yours sincerely,
Raylene, Edmonton, Canada

Thank-you, Matchmakers Select.
I can honestly say that the deciding factor of my joining Matchmakers Select was their direct straight forward manner. Your sincerity, your attitude, your honesty and your easygoing approach is what makes it a pleasure to talk to you each time we speak. The woman I am searching for will be a person who has a similar personality to you. If I was a couple of years younger and lived a little closer I would have ended my search the day I first spoke to you, however it is not to be. But every cloud has a silver lining and so who better to assist me in my quest to find a suitable person to become my partner than someone I like, admire and above all, trust. Even at this early stage I would like to thank you for being the driving force in putting the zip back into these old bones.
Rod, 55, Brandon, Canada

With regards to the matchmaking service offered by Matchmakers Select, Caitlyn has been providing me with much more than I had expected. After Match.com I did not have much hope of finding a partner. Caitlyn contacted me around three weeks ago after my initial enquiry and suggested three women. Having been burnt by several online services like the one just mentioned I was very skeptical, but agreed to view them and had given them some serious consideration. Caitlyn explained the services your company provides and re-assured me that my money would not be sent down the drain. She made me feel at ease with my decision to join your agency and has proven her abilities quite well to date. She has matched me with some very compatible women and seems genuinely interested in my quest for a partner. She has shown me the kind of service I expected and I am very grateful for her efforts. It is my opinion that she is a great asset to your company and deserves a pat on the back.
Alex, Branch Manager, Saskatoon, Canada

We (Stephen and Alanna) would like to thank those at Matchmakers Select for giving us the opportunity to meet each other. Stephen was the first date I had through Matchmakers Select, although not the last. However, in time we continued dating and I put my membership on hold. Stephen had had quite a few introductions through Matchmakers Select as well and was enjoying the lifestyle of meeting new people and dining out… until he met me.
We had our first date around mid-March 2010 and 4-5 months later we were dating regularly and not seeing other people. Stephen has two sons from his previous marriage and I have a daughter. After a lot of planning we are now expecting our first child due June 2012 and the wedding is set for August 2012. We enjoy each other’s company immensely and spend nearly all our time together, and we have a recycling business we both contribute to.
If not for Matchmakers Select, I can honestly say that I would never have met Stephen. Our circles were totally different and even if I had met him I do not believe I would have pursued a meeting as we came from such different backgrounds. I would have believed we had different ideals and goals. How wrong I was. We have the same outlook on life, great communication, and most of all a mutual loving humour.
I also believe Stephen would not have followed through his attraction to me if we had not met through Matchmakers Select. Because of the company two unlikely people went on a date and gave each other a chance. We have since recommended at least four other people to Matchmakers Select and often recommend the merits of the firm as a way of meeting a soul mate. It is the most civilized and economical way of meeting people at least in the same parameter as you, unlike pubs and online dating.
Yours truly,
Alanna, Business Owner, Winnipeg, Canada

Although Matchmakers Select has been an amazing, interesting, educational and fun experience – you also learn a lot about yourself which you would otherwise not find out.
There is no other way to find someone you can relate to – in fact doing it by ‘chance’- i.e. hoping you will meet someone in your daily normal life – is equal to the chance of lightening striking you in the driveway of your home. I have told this to many people in just this way.
As I have said, you usually cannot pick at first glance who you will get on best with – sometimes it is a great surprise.
Then there are the occasions when you like someone and they don’t feel the same way – it would be nice to know why for your own benefit but you rarely know this – perhaps the other person may not want to say.
Personal contact is so much superior to computer (impersonal and subject to misleading information) contact. The sound of someone’s voice is very important. Some men love incredibly enhancing voices and some love a broad drawl like a Texas cowgirl – I much prefer a southern bell anytime.
These are only a few thoughts.
Craig, Dickinson, North Dakota

I am happy to let you know how I am going with my relationship. I was married in January 2009, and things are going wonderfully!!
Thanks for thinking of me, and I must certainly keep your wonderful service in mind for any remaining single friends that I have.
Kind regards,
Bill, CEO, Regina, Canada

I have to say that when I started with Matchmakers Select I was very nervous and I had no idea what to expect out of it. I have been so fortunate that all of my introductions are such wonderful men whom I have enjoyed many great times with. I think I had forgotten what it was like to have so much fun with new people. I am now doing many fun and interesting things that I would probably never have done otherwise.
The support Matchmakers Select provides is fabulous, from the educational classes and the feedback you receive in your regular reviews, to the positive energy and encouragement from all the staff. You feel like everyone is truly there to help you in your journey. I have found the member events you organize is also a great way of meeting new and interesting people.
When I received the e-mail about the evening with Doug including dancing classes and champagne I thought, “I can’t do that, I will just embarrass myself in front of everyone “. Then I thought, “what have I got to lose? “. It was a memorable evening, and being a CEO I am usually in control, but I trusted Doug and I knew I was in good hands. What an accomplished man he was!
The Matchmakers Select process works, keep up the good work. I have learned so much more about myself and it has given me more self confidence in meeting new people.
My only regret, if you can call it that, is I wish I had the courage to join Matchmakers Select sooner. We all can think too much at times instead of just saying to ourselves, “If I think it will make me happy then just do it!” Doug has invited me to his ranch for this coming Friday. I have not been on a horse since I was a little girl and I have tears of joy just thinking about it.
Estelle, Billing, Montana

I am happy to say that I am now in a committed relationship and very much in love. This would not have happened if I had not had the guidance of Amanda and the chance to meet many wonderful people through Matchmakers Select. There was much that I needed to learn after my 28 year marriage had ended and Amanda played a vital part in that learning as did the many kind and wonderful women I met through Matchmakers Select.
I would surely encourage any singles I know to contact Matchmakers Select.
All the best for your future,
Best regards,
Ethan, International Relations, Ottawa, Canada
John was my last and successful introduction from Matchmakers Select coming up a year ago in November. We have what is a great relationship for people at our stage in life, which means that we keep our independence with respect to living arrangements, but yet meet frequently to go out together and have had two very enjoyable European and China holidays, as well as many short breaks locally like Niagara Falls.
John is a very compassionate, reliable, generous, knowledgeable, and witty man. Despite some differences in belief systems, we have a mutual respect, and share most core values. We also share many passions which take up much discussion time with many laughs.
I don’t know anyone specifically at present who would be a candidate for Matchmakers Select. I have mentioned Matchmakers Select at odd times when the topic of meeting for relationship comes up in conversation, and will certainly continue to ‘promote’ you in future when the opportunity arises.
We wish you and your staff continuing success.
Marion, Real Estate Developer, St. Catherine’s, Canada

I would like to thank Matchmakers Select for taking the time out from their busy schedule to reassure me that your company is totally dedicated to helping people like myself and many others in finding companionship and love! I have only been a member for a short time but I would like to let you know that Caitlyn, whom I have been working with for the last two weeks, has not only been very professional by returning my calls promptly, but is also pleasant, courteous, friendly, and most of all, she is sincere in helping me find a partner. Caitlyn is an asset to your team and I have no hesitation about your service. Caitlyn is pleasant and has the helpful manner of taking her clients’ needs seriously. Hopefully she will find me the right gentleman soon!
Please be kind enough to extend my thanks to Caitlyn and let her know that I appreciate her help and thoughtfulness more than she knows.
Kind Regards,
Ailson, Business Development, Bismarck, North Dakota

Grahame and I met through Matchmakers Select on August 21st 2009. We first met for lunch at seafood restaurant in North Vancouver. Both being delighted in each other’s company, we decided to see each other again. This was all okay until Grahame lost my phone number. Then whilst cleaning up he came across the note to our future happiness (my phone number). We laughed about it and went out regularly for some months spending more time together than apart. Eventually we decided to look into our living arrangements. I have a disabled son, who Grahame expected as part of the package. We purchased a house near the US border so we could make daily trips for gas, food and Costco, of course, and moved in together, the three of us, in June 2010. Our relationship was going well so both agreed to get married! We had the celebration in our home for a garden ceremony and invited close friends and family. The day turned out great before jetting off to Mexico for our honeymoon!
Both having been married before and both having grown families we have had a few knots along the way but we all look forward to a very happy future together. Thank you to Matchmakers Select! Without your help we would never have met so please let us recommend your company to any singles seeking happiness.
Yours sincerely,
Heather XX