How Your Smile Affects Your Dateability.
First impressions are important. Last summer in Evolutionary Psychology, the study, Cool Guys and Warm Husbands: The Effect of Smiling on Male Facial Attractiveness for Short- and Long-Term Relationships, found that women consider men who smile warmer and more desirable for a long-term relationship than men with neutral expressions.
Researchers showed 71 heterosexual female participants photos of both men with neutral expressions and smiling men, and asked them to judge the men on their facial expressions alone. Those who were smiling came off as more trustworthy and much happier, leading the participants to deem them better candidates for long-term relationships and marriage. Meanwhile, men with neutral expressions were rated as more masculine and more desirable as short-term partners or casual hookups — probably since “neutral” can easily slip into “brooding.”Overall, the women in the study explained that approachability and warmth in a significant other were major priorities, explaining their clear preferences for the smiling men as potential partners.

Men like to see women smile. It’s not surprising that many surveys about the things men notice first in women have found that a beautiful smile comes second only to eyes on the list. Well, that’s not very surprising because, after all, who doesn’t like a nice smile? Careful who you flash those pearly whites at though, as a women smile is often misinterpreted. Studies have found that what women intend as mere friendliness is often misconstrued by men as flirtatiousness and a signal of sexual interest. Women, on the other hand, tend to see a man’s smile as a supportive gesture.
So overall the has shown that when you first meet someone, no matter where you are, a nice but genuine smile indicates interest. So, try to grin more often because you never know who will fall in love with your smile.

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