Don’t overlook the Tradesmen.
Trades have actual, real-life applications. There was once a time when men used to be real men, but these days there are the metrosexual and the computer nerds. If he’s too concerned about getting a little dirt under his nails then how on earth will he fix your flat tire? The skill set will vary by trade but you won’t really see a downside to him being able to lay a floor or weld your robot.
Significantly higher wages, and fewer loans. The student loans on trades school is lower that your average career, and they get through the programs much more quickly. At the very least there is paid on the job training involved. Plus most entry level trades pay a lot more than entry level elsewhere.
Tradesmen are less pretentious. Because of years of social underappreciation, men in the trades don’t seem to get the same overrated personality complex that the suits have. Certain work environments fosters elitism, which in turn fosters insufferable douchebaggery.
They’re in shape. While the office loverboy is working hard at his desk for hours on end, his doughy physique is slowly turning full on dad bod. All while his tradesman counterpart is working his buff bod into useful strength. There will be no worries about getting those tricky pickle jars open ever again.
They’re funny. All that masculine shop talk has given these guys sharp tongues and whiplash-fast comebacks, which will be hilarious and make for consistently interesting conversation.