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A New Report Reveals The Top Emoji In Every Country — And The U.S. Loves Eggplant


Even though emoji graphics are uniform across the globe, the meaning behind them varies greatly across languages, cultures and countries. (And even within them — have we, as a society, decided what the levitating business suit man means yet?)

Now we have a better idea of which countries are sending what and which emojis have global appeal, thanks to the very first Emoji Report.


SwiftKey, the communications company that released the report, analyzed cloud data from more than one billion emoji used by speakers of 16 languages around the world from October 2014 to January 2015. As you can see, happy faces comprised nearly half of all the world’s emoji messages during that time.

But obviously, you’re here to see how the world uses sex emoji, right? SwiftKey categorizes the following emojis as “raunchy” in their report:

sex emoji usage

The findings indicate Americans are either a horny bunch or we love our veggies, because U.S. English speakers lead the world in eggplant emoji usage. Considering we also double the average for meat emoji, we’re going to assume it’s the former. America also comes out on top for skulls, the “keep it 100″ sign, flames, tech, LGBT and female-oriented emoji.

america emoji usage

Our polite Canadian neighbors are the world leader when it comes to poop emoji, while French speakers use four times as many heart emoji as other languages. Turns out even in emoticon, French is the most romantic language. Malaysian is the most emoji-savvy language, while Turkish is the least savvy.

Check out the full report for other enlightening insights into the world’s emoji communication trends.
[via MTV]
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