50 Places to Meet People (When You’re Over the Bar Scene)
There’s no doubt about it, bars are one of the easiest, most common places at which to meet potential romantic partners. But sometimes, you’re just over that scene.
If the last thing you want to do is meet someone over vodka sodas and loud music, there are some pretty good alternatives! The key? Get out and do things. The more active you are in your life, the wider your social network is, and, perhaps more importantly, the more interesting (and therefore attractive) you yourself become. So, if you feel like you need to, swap the late nights at bars for early mornings at the dog park; jam pack your days and nights with activities where you’ll be forced to come into contact with new and like-minded people.
If you need some tips on how to break the ice, these posts should give you some good ideas:
- Coffee Shop Pick-Up Strategies
- 7 Bookstore Pick-Up Strategies
- Shy? Here are 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Dating Confidence
OK, ready to go out and meet someone new? Here’s where to start…
1 At the dog park, where your dog (or your friend’s dog) takes care of the introductions.
2 At an intramural sports club.
3 Wandering through the galleries of an art museum.
4 Attending a reading at a local bookstore or library.
5 At an after-work language class.
6 Showing off your mad skills at the boardwalk arcade, like it’s 1997.
7 At the Church you uncharacteristically started going to, because you randomly decided you need more spirituality in your life.
8 At the screenwriting class you finally decided to take.
9 At candle-lit yoga on a Sunday night.
10 At the book club you joined, despite swearing that you’d never become one of those people in a book club.
11 At the rock-climbing gym you’ve started going to once a month to work your triceps.
12 At the improv class you secretly started taking, without telling any of your friends.
13 At the Food Co-Op your roommate talked you into joining.
14 At the stadium, in line for hot dogs, or getting tipsy up in the nosebleeds.
15 On the last-minute trip you decided to book for yourself to someplace new and exotic.
16 At the 3 pm matinee at a movie theater on a day you’ve randomly decided to ditch work.
17 At the photography class you signed up for so you can finally learn how to use your new camera.
18 Eating dinner at the bar of your favorite neighborhood restaurant on a Wednesday night.
19 At a local museum, where you’ve volunteered to take tickets/give tours on weekends.
20 Cheering on your local soccer league — fans are few, but fervent.
21 At your friend’s show that you reluctantly agreed to go to.
22 At the coffee shop where you bum around on weekend afternoons.
23 At a meeting of your college’s local alumni chapter.
24 While using that Groupon you impulsively bought, for night kayaking or whatever.
25 At the flea market, trolling for furniture.
26 At a park on a summer’s day, just hanging out and reading.
27 At a record store, looking for your favorite vintage Broadway Original Cast Recordings cool bands.
28 On Yelp, after someone falls in love with your witty reviews. (Seriously, people meet that way!)
29 At Burning Man.
30 At a commenter meet-up for your favorite blog.
31 In your living room, after signing up to be a host on CouchSurfing.org.
32 At a Sushi making class you signed up for with your co-worker.
33 At a music festival, be it Warped Tour or Tanglewood.
34 At a Naked Painting Party, cause you’re uninhibited.
35 Hiking with the Outdoors Club you joined to get out of the city/suburbs a little bit.
36 At a Farmer’s Market, checking out the wares (and people?).
37 At a Brewery tour (and subsequent tasting).
38 At an outdoor screening of your favorite movie (or, fine, a movie you tolerate for the sake of outdoor drinking).
39 Taking surfing lessons this summer.
40 On a long bus ride, probably Bolt Bus, which is populated by young riders, or the Hampton Jitney.
41 While volunteering to pass out flyers or work the phone bank in a political campaign.
42 At a Food Truck Festival, in line for tacos.
43 At Whole Foods. (Seriously, attractive people shop at Whole Foods.)
44 While participating in a Flash Mob, because, whatever, you both secretly like cheesy things.
45 At the opening night party of a play or art show.
46 At a silent meditation retreat, where you can only wave “hello.”
47 At the friend-of-a-friend’s party that you didn’t even really want to go to.
48 On an open gallery art walk.
49 At a meeting for the Young Patron’s board of a local arts organization that you decided to join.
50 At a 5k (or a marathon, if you’re feeling ambitious).