QUIZ: How Dateable Are You? (Ladies Only)
Think you’re dateable? Take this quiz and see where you fall!
1. A good-looking man smiles at you in a grocery store, you:
A. Smile back, say hi and think of a conversation starter- who knows, he could be your Friday night date!
B. Kindly smile back and carry on.
C. Stare back at him and wonder why he’s creepily staring at you.
2. When you think of your exes you:
A. Hope their all doing well, what happened is in the past and you’re focused on the now.
B. Prefer not to think about them.
C. Hate them all with a passion, never again you tell yourself.
3. When you meet someone the most important thing about them is:
A. Their energy.
B. Who they’re with.
C. How you know them.
4. How often do you meet new people?
A. Almost every weekend.
B. Every couple weekends.
C. Hardly ever.
5. Your favorite thing to do with your girlfriends is:
A. Drinks before hitting a bar.
B. Dinner and drinks.
C. Have a sleepover- facials, manicures and the newest rom-com.
6. When a man asks for your number, you:
A. Give it to them almost always because it never hurts to meet one more person.
B. Give it to them only if there’s a spark instantly.
C. Only give it to them if you share a mutual friend you trust.
7. What is your circle of friends like?
A. Extremely diverse- you tend to make friends wherever you go.
B. You’ve been through different circles at different stages of your life.
C. Very close, you’ve known them forever.
8. When something is making you feel down, you:
A. Find every friend and family member your situation and ask for advice and support.
B. Tell a close friend or family member your situation and ask them for their best advice.
C. Feel exhausted and unmotivated.
9. When a guy compliments you, you:
A. Realize he’s into you and keep the conversation going to see how far he’ll take it.
B. You compliment him back to be kind.
C. You smile, thank him for the compliment and turn back to your friends.
10. On a night out, you are:
A. On the prowl for a hot guy who will make eye contact with you.
B. With your girlfriends all night long.
C. Drinking until you’re in the mood for the loud crowd.
How to calculate your score:
Mostly A’s = Very open, very dateable
Mostly B’s = Open to most dates
Mostly C’s = Depends on each situation