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Vancouver, are you jumping on the Seahawks bandwagon?

I’ve been hearing a ton of buzz on the news and radio about NFL playoff fever coming  around. I’ve never noticed this before- have Vancouverites always been natural Seattle Seahawks fans or are West Coast Canadian fans just jumping on the Seahawks bandwagon now? Either way, fans north of the border, coined as “12 North” are getting rowdy for their next playoff must-win game on Saturday.

Omar Mawjee with Seahawks Regional Marketing Office Canada adds a little insight, “We’ve always had a strong contingent of support on the other side of the border. Vancouver has supported the Seahawks all season long and if fans can’t get down to the game, we have four official viewing parties where fans can come in.”

These venues include: The Village Taphouse on the North Shore, Library Square Public House downtown, Local in Kitsalano and The Strathcona Hotel in Victoria.

Richard Sherman

Even if you aren’t a die-hard Seahawks fan, will you take this opportunity to hit a bar and join in?

Would you dare to take a lady or keep it between your male companions? (I’d say depends on the girl.)


Source: News1130
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