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Libido: A Brave Egyptian Satirical Short Movie About Sex

From LV Guardian, “Libido tells the story of Mazen, an average young Egyptian man and what he faces as a youngster curious about sex up until the moment he decides to put matters into his own hands and “get laid.” The movie treads on forbidden ground by discussing the lack of sex education in Egyptian school and how this problem negatively affects Egyptian youth, inability of parents to discuss the three letter word with their kids and porn addiction that nearly all Egyptian men suffer from.

The movie doesn’t shy away from using Egyptian slang to tackle sensitive topics such as masturbation, making out, using condoms and premarital sex with hilarious illustrations and testimonials from various Egyptian youths. Most of the youths interviewed -boys and girls- were open about their desire to have premarital sex and argued that religiously speaking watching porn is also haram “forbidden” so why not submit to our basic instinct and just “do it?”

Libido also discussed the radical religious treatment of the subject and how defining it as haram supposedly ends the discussion. The movie also tackled the noveau religious movements that promoted fighting “sinful” sexual needs by practicing sports, praying and playing PS3. The movie blatantly made fun of all these solutions saying “none of it worked to alleviate Mazen’s mind from sex.””

Here is the video with English subtitles:

Rad the full article on LV Guardian here:

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