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Justin Trudeau to be Profiled in Vanity Fair

In the coming days, Vanity Fair magazine will bestow an honour on Justin Trudeau rarely afforded to Canadian politicians: a profile in its pages.

Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau at a Toronto bookstore appearance following the publication of his book, Common Ground, last month.

The succinct and flattering feature — on page 136 of the forthcoming December issue — devotes significant length to reminding readers that Mr. Trudeau is the offspring of a “flower child” who dated Jack Nicholson and a bachelor prime minister who dated Barbra Streisand.

“And now the son of these two — the closest thing Canada has to JFK Jr.,” writes Canadian society columnist Shinan Govani, “is positioning himself as the next prime minister.”

The article was published on Vanity Fair‘s website Thursday, accompanied by a photo of the Liberal party leader perched atop a railing in the Parliamentary Library — dressed in a dark suit with one patterned sock visible.

After setting up Canada’s 2015 federal election as a two-way race between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the third-party leader, the profile briefly mentions Mr. Trudeau’s new memoir, Common Ground, suggesting he was taking a “page from [Barack] Obama’s playbook” — a reference to the U.S. president’s 1995 memoir Dreams from my Father.








[via National Post]

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